2020: Enjoy the Journey
At this point in my life, I’ve gotten used to the fact that very few things ever go as planned, and that life is full of struggle — as well as overcoming it. It’s what helps us grow as humans, getting knocked down a few rungs on the ladder and learning how to get back where we started, and keep pushing forward.
But 2020 was a new kind of beast. Sure, I can deal with getting a bad grade here and there, or getting rejected from a job, or having various other things go wrong in life. A lot of people can. But never did I anticipate a year like 2020.
I never thought I would be in a world where going to work wasn’t allowed; where seeing friends was dangerous for your health; where traveling was discouraged, and in some cases banned.
Seeing family for the holidays? LOL. Good one.
Hugging someone you haven’t seen in a while? Think again. Six feet at all times, buddy.
Having some friends over for a party? Don’t you dare.
What I’ll remember 2020 the most for is the isolation. That was the hardest part for me. Not being able to see the people I love. Not being able to travel and see more of the world. That was tough for me to handle.
But 2020 is part of my journey. It’s part of everyone’s journey. And I think tossing 2020 into the trash and trying to erase it from memory completely is giving into the despair that a lot of us felt at different points this year. I think we can do better than that.
I’ve seen a lot of people calling 2020 the “worst year ever”. And they probably have a point. But I think there is more to it than just that blanket statement.
At first glance, 2020 was terrible. But buried in the misery of this year, I believe, is a lot of positive moments for a lot of people, something that can be brought into 2021.
After a recent loss to the Indiana Pacers, Boston Celtics star player Jaylen Brown had this to say about his team’s early struggles.
“Celtics fans, we’re looking forward to this journey. It’s an uphill battle, every single day getting better,” said Brown. “And that’s what leads to the best results.”
There was a lot of bad this year, but I think for a lot of people, there was also a lot of good that we can take with us into the new year as well. Sure, it’s been an uphill battle, like Brown said, but the perseverance required to get through this year will lead to the best results for all of us.
For me, there was a lot of time alone that led to a lot of thought about what I want in life. 2020 was a time to bring into focus what I want in life, both personally and professionally. Without all the time spent trapped inside, watching the news, and left alone to my thoughts, I’m not sure I would take the jump to start studying for the LSAT this winter.
That’s a big step, and a daunting one too, but one I feel ready to take, especially after seeing what’s gone on in our country this year, with racial justice protests and one political party trying to do everything it can to undermine our country’s democracy and steal a whole fucking presidential election. But I digress.
I’m also grateful for the time I got to spend with my family. I spent nearly half the year at home on the Cape because of COVID-19. While it wasn’t always the easiest thing living at home as a 24-year-old, that’s time I wouldn’t normally get at this age, and I was also glad to get another summer on the Cape. I think I’ll look back on that time, 20 years from now, and wish I could have had more quality moments like that in my mid-20s.
2020 was all about embracing the struggle. That didn’t always go so smoothly (getting laid off in the summer and also dealing with a COVID outbreak in your house in December is…not great!), but I think there’s a lot that can be learned from this year, for all of us. There was time spent re-connecting with family, time spent embracing the outdoors more, and time spent planning out the next few years of my life. That’s something that I will be better off for having done, as 2021 begins.
I suspect for plenty of other people who take a step back and look at this year, there will also be good things to take from this mess of a year.
We all have one life to live. One journey to take. Like I said earlier, nothing ever goes as planned, but that doesn’t mean we can’t find enjoyment in the journey we all are on, in some form or fashion.
Everyone has their own story, everyone has their own struggle. We all went through it this year. But focus on the good moments, and try to bring what you learned from 2020 to help 2021 hopefully be a much better trip around the sun for us all.
Thanks for reading, if you made it this far.